Dr. Harold Edgerton inventor of stop motion photography. MIT.

A self taught coding robotics builder and designer with other various digital and mechanical skilled applications by the name of #KrisTemmerman. more at his website at http://www.neuroproductions.be and YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUdunfSS-4CyZsIhICtgr6A

#Adafruit industries has been creating very interesting electrical designs for quite some time now. Her aim is towards STEM within young adults for various through toy coding and construction. Her website can be found at https://www.adafruit.com

Teenage engineering is a electronics company that comes out with some really interesting products here's a link to a motion sensing sound system.

#glossier Miami was an interesting project that was organized around taking a non-traditional construction material and turning it into a final result of multiple rolled layers of steel into interior architectural elements. It was the most amount of metal that I personally have ever rolled and registered and during the project I often thought about my past as a skate park designer and fabricator.
more at:

The chemistries of products of #MosaicFactory and Huguet Mallorca in my opinion has some of the best surface designs I have seen.
info: https://mosaicfactory.com
info: https://huguetmallorca.com/en/